Why do they say all that stuff at weddings about “sickness and health, richer and poorer, for better or for worse, ‘til death do you part?” They say it because sometimes things will be better, and a lot of times, things will be worse. At some point, you’re both gonna get sick, you might be poor, and you’ll never sleep with anyone else ever again … because you’re gonna be with each other until you die.Doesn’t marriage sound like fun?‘TIL DEATH is a comedy about middle-aged EDDIE (Brad Garrett, “Everybody Lov…
学校放暑假,Allison回到家中告诉他们自己是搭着Doug的顺风车回来的,他们两人在车上复合,Joy赶去上班。Allison告诉Eddie Doug的车子出了点问题,是否让他住在这里直到新零件运过来。Eddie不同意,Dou…