BBC于阿加莎·克里斯蒂诞辰125周年之际推出的系列剧,根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂原著改编,讲述了一对恩爱夫妻侦探搭档的故事。共六集,分为《暗藏杀机》和《桑苏西来客》两部分,由Zinnie Harris和Claire Wilson负责改编,男主角汤米由David Walliams饰演,女主角塔彭斯的扮演者为Jessica Raine。
Still none the wiser as to the identity of Soviet agent N, Tommy and Tuppence must come up with their most ambitious and risky plan yet in order to…
Tommy and Tuppence turn their attention to their fellow occupants of Sans Souci to find N, the probable nuclear bomb thief.
The British Secret Service enlists Tommy and Tuppences help again to find a Soviet agent and a kidnapped scientist.
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