新剧《金屋泪》改编自John Braine经典同名小说, Maxine Peake和Matthew McNulty将分别饰演男女主角。故事发生在20世纪40年代英国约克郡,讲述了青年Joe Lampton追名逐利的生涯。Maxine Peake and Matthew McNulty star in Room At The Top which is based on John Braine's classic novel about Joe Lampton, a young man on the make in Forties Yorkshire.小说对20世纪文艺作品中的爱情与情欲进行了探寻反思。故事背景设置在战后英国,人人憧憬着美好的未来,《金屋泪》刻画出一个历尽艰难不择手段以求跻身上流社会的男人。The novel explores love and **uality in 20th-century literature. Set amid the social aspirations of post-war Britain, Room At The Top is about one man's str…
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